Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Sent in by Michael Hankins

My favorite story that I always tell about Adam was a quip he made after overhearing a conversation of mine. I was discussing the ever increasing cost of gasoline with a couple of people and we were debating at what level it would change our driving tendencies and the cars we bought. Everyone in the conversation had come up with their thoughts and plans when Adam walked over and asked what we were talking about. I told him about the conversation and he looked at us with this bemused expression on his face and said, “Gas? I’m more concerned about the price of Zapp’s going up.” He always did love his Zapp’s.


Cindy said...

I love it! Thanks Michael.

Anonymous said...

Didn't Adam and Ken get a bag of Zapp's that had a green chip or something in it? I think they called Zapp's up and complained and Zapp's sent them a bunch of free bags of chips. Haha. Ken probably knows the whole story.