Thursday, January 3, 2008

Trinity Summer and After School Programs

Sent in by Kathie Gregory

I guess I'd say that my real friendship with Adam began in 1999...the summer he worked with me at CSP at Trinity as a counselor. It was a given that Adam was a natural at that job. He was so awesome with kids and they loved him....especially the "bad" ones. Somehow, Adam could always coerce the bad kids to do exactly what he wanted. They'd do anything for him b/c he was the cool one. There are many, many funny stories from that summer from serenades of "Livin' la Vida Loca" to bowling championships to much bathroom humor. Fast forward to the spring of 2000 when Adam and I worked at Trinity again for ASP (After School Program). We worked with two other of which was a trainwreck. We did give her quite a bit of hell that spring, mostly in good fun....she had the most disgusting work ethic I'd ever witnessed...don't know how she didn't lose her job. (My disclaimer - there were no children present...we had to be at work an hour before the kids came so no children witnessed this scene). However, there was one day when Adam had had enough. The trainwreck showed up for work scanitly clad in the clothes she wore to Cowboys the night before, still had the same smeared makeup, wreaking of beer and bars. She had apparently, just woken up and got in her car and came to work. We all had words with her over this, but this went beyond crossing the line as far as Adam was concerned....after all, we did work with children. There was no stopping him. He began questioning her and then he went off. He ripped into her about her horrible work ethic, her lack of self-respect and mostly for her audacious behavior and dress around the kids. Of course, Chad and I were behind the girl cheering Adam on and probably more accurately, fueling his fire. I think he got his point certainly didn't happen again. Probably one of the funniest things I had ever witnessed. Good times.

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