Sunday, December 30, 2007

Cindy's Letter to Adam

Dear Adam,

I can’t believe I have to write you a letter so soon again. It seems like yesterday that I was sitting at my apartment writing a letter to you that was to be read at our wedding. I remember racking my brain trying to put into words how much I loved you and how much I was looking forward to a long life together. I now find myself in almost the exact situation.

Through our marriage we have had our arguments just like any married couple, however since I’m such a passive person you tended to win most of the arguments or I simply gave up. Anyone who knows your personality would understand why I gave up so easily. I know as we were driving into Lake Charles for Papie’s funeral you said “I hate this. I hate funerals. I don’t even want to have a funeral if I die.” Well, I hate to break it to you but it looks like I finally won one argument and get the final say. Although we had our arguments, we were very good at making compromises. If we had a little girl, you wanted to name her Charlie. I wasn’t to keen on that so we settled on naming our girl german shepard Charlie. I’m glad you were able to put the name to good use.

I know we talked so many times how it was so odd that we were such a perfect fit because we were so different. I will always remember your little sayings to me when I would look at you like you were crazy. You would tell me “You know I’m fun” or “Cindy, you knew what you were getting into when you married me.” I thought I knew what I was getting into with our marriage but it turned out to be a thousand times better than I ever imagined.

Adam, you had what Megan would call “the essence.” People were attracted to you and wanted to be around you. I never met one person that wasn’t drawn to your personality. I am so proud of everything you accomplished and I know you have no regrets. I know you would like me to share some things with the people you loved that you never got to say, so I’m going to do my best to remember the important ones:

To Alton: Adam would ask me when we first started dating what I thought of his family, especially you Mr. Alton. The reason being was he told me several times “When I get older I’m going to be just like my Dad. I’m going to be just as successful as he is.” I guess he wanted to make sure I was a good fit.

To Mrs. Gisele: Adam was so proud of you for raising three rambunctious boys and working full-time. He was so proud of all the awards you won in your profession as a counselor. He also never let me cook broccoli without your cheese sauce, which we had several arguments about. Another thing he would always mention was how you made all of his Halloween costumes by hand. I thought I should let you know about his plans for his costume this year. He wanted to dress as a blind man and bring Charlie as his Seeing Eye dog. He was going to get some crazy colored contacts and get a vest for Charlie. You were such a good mother to him and he planned to instill the same family values in our family as you did in yours.

To Jeremy: Adam loved you so much. You were not only his older brother but one of his best friends. He would always tell me how you would get so aggravated because when you were younger he would copy EVERYTHING you did. I think my favorite home video of you guys was at your birthday party at Petro Bowl. Adam had to be about two or three years old. On the video you can hear your mom say “Now Adam, it is Jeremy’s birthday so he gets to blow out the candles. If you blow out those candles, you don’t get to go bowling.” So, everyone starts singing Happy Birthday and when it comes to the pause before the last line of the song Adam yells out really quickly “happy birthday to you” and blows out the candle. For some odd reason, the next clip in the video shows Adam bowling, so he must have talked himself out of that one.

To Kelli: Adam always told me “I knew the first time Jeremy brought Kelli home he was going to marry her.” I know he was so proud of his two nieces and nephew.

To Jonathon: I know Adam always gave you such a hard time with all his competitiveness and sarcastic comments. When you first started dating Leslie, I had to tell him to back off of you a little or she wasn’t going to want to hang around us anymore. Jonathon, Adam was so proud of you for going through the Internal Auditing program and landing such an awesome job! I’m sure he is going to want you to have all of his frisbee golf equipment if we can find them.

Adam had too many friends to say something about each of you. I will do my best to connect with you all in some way. I don’t want anyone to feel left out but I did have some things that just have to be said to a few of you:

To Aaron Long: After we left New York in April, Adam said “If I could pick one friend from high-school to live in the same city as me it would be Aaron.”

To The Garcille family: Adam considered you all his second set of parents and brothers.

To Jason, Seth, John, Stephen, and Darren: Thank you for looking so tirelessly for my husband. I knew you did everything you could.

Lastly, to Adam again: Hubby, there will not be a day you are absent from my thoughts and not a morning that our Little Lucy doesn’t run up to the bed looking to cover your face with kisses.

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