Thursday, December 27, 2007

"The Dunky"

Sent in by Jared Garber

I could probably spend the whole afternoon writing about the exciting, ridiculous, inappropriate, screamingly funny, or just plain good times I had with Adam, but that would take hours upon hours. I could relate how funny it was when he completely leveled someone on the soccer field, how hard he, Paul Thevenot and myself laughed while making that video for their Fine Arts class, how exciting it was to win two state soccer championships (although he had a whole hell of a lot more to do with it than I ever did), the goofy times hanging out, or the ridiculous drunken escapades. Instead I’ll just tell what I always thought was one of the most excessive, hilarious, and good times we shared. I wouldn’t really call it family friendly though, so be warned.

Let’s go back to some terrible assembly in high school. We had some sort of guest speaker and while I don’t remember what he was talking about, I do remember he had some sort of speech impediment. Looking back, making fun of him pronouncing donkey as “dunky” wasn’t very nice, but I’ll be damned if we didn’t think it was hilarious.

That Friday night Adam, Paul, and I went out to do what high school guys do on the weekends: get into trouble. Lord only knows what we did that night but on the way home Adam steered the Yota (that wonderful Toyota hatch back he had for so long) into a garbage can on the side of the road. Oh, you should have seen the refuse fly from that thing! Of course we thought it was the funniest thing ever, and then it happened. Adam christened the hitting of the trash can as a “dunky.”

From that moment on our desire for dunkies was insatiable. We spent the rest of the night driving around ramming trashcans, screaming “dunky” and laughing hysterically. Over, and over, and over, and over. Toward the end of the night Adam had his window down and one dunky tossed something through the window at him, as quickly as possible the pushed it back out. As it turns out this was the drivers side mirror that had been broken off. Let’s just say his dad wasn’t pleased about this and I have no idea how he talked his way out of that one.

In what now seems like very poor taste, this went on for several evenings, one of which eventually culminated with all three of us standing in the Barbe parking lot with a police office making us call our parents from his cell phone. Honestly there was more mischief that led to that encounter, but only after getting somewhat tired of the dunkies. I won’t go into detail about that in order to save all our integrity as well as innocence.


I remember when all this happened. Adam told my Dad that the mirror just got knocked off by somebody who either drove by or while parked at St. Louis. I heard the real story though, haha. Thanks a lot Jared for sending it in.

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