Friday, December 14, 2007


Sent in by Cindy:

For Christmas last year, Adam surprised me with a trip to New York or basically said we could go. I was in charge of planning the whole trip, which was fine with me. Adam was so sweet and said we could do whatever I wanted which included a "Sex and the City" tour. Most of my interests related to going to talk shows. Once Adam heard that he immediately looked up on the internet to see where "Maury Povich Show" taped. Unfortunately for me, the show tapes in NYC. Adam was so excited he could barely stand it. I called Maury and they assured me that I just needed to call two weeks before our trip to get tickets. Adam, however, made me call and triple check this statement. We were at the show from 8am-3pm because Adam was insisted that we stay for two tapings which included "Out of Control Teens" and "Whose the Baby-Daddy." The funny part about it was that Adam was getting aggrivated with me because I wouldn't stand up and yell at the guests. He said "Cindy, we are never going to get on TV unless you step it up." Fortunately, for the second taping Adam sat next to a fan with the same enthusiasm as he and made it on the show. I remember on a Friday night about three weeks after our trip I was screening the tivo and saw Adam on the episode. He was out with friends and I called him to give him the good news. He was so happy that he made it on the show!

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