Monday, September 24, 2012

It's been five years, Adam, and it just seems like yesterday that you left us. Well, you're not here with us physically anymore, but your spirit sure seems to surround us every day.  There's been so many things happen that don't seem like coincidences.  It's sort of funny, finding out now all the things that you did while you were alive, that you took the liberty to "recreate" the truth about.  The scratches on the bottom of your kneeboard, the outside mirror on your truck getting ripped off, and just yesterday I finally hear the "truth" on how you nearly lost your eye, due to a "rock throwing" incident.  Oh, and "Jason Garcille's Motorcycle" in your garage.  Boy, did I ever fall for that one!  I believed you, every time, and it never occurred to me to question you.  You always had a story that just sounded so plausible. I sure wish you were here to pull some more of your antics.  Perhaps I would have eventually caught on. Perhaps one day you might have come to me and "fessed up".  It doesn't really matter, though, as I still love you, and I miss the challenge you presented.  I especially miss the times you would call during the day when I was at the studio, and it was always the same question: "Hey Dad, whatcha doin"?  Times are different now without you, but your brothers have been such a rock for me to lean on.  I was blessed with three of the finest sons that any Dad could ask for.

Your loving Dad

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