Sunday, September 23, 2012

5 Years Ago Today

Mom was telling the story today of how you almost lost an eye your sophomore or junior year in high school. You told her that somebody closed a car door that you were in front of which caused you to put your hands up to block the door, which then caused your finger to hit your eye, which then somehow caused a MASSIVE swelling which looked like your eye was about to fall out. Unbelievable right? Well that's because it was. When I heard mom say this, I snickered to myself a little, because I remember hearing the real story. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure you and your friends were throwing rocks at each other after soccer practice, and you got hit right in the eye by one of them. Sounds like a lot of fun...throwing rocks at each other. I can't say I ever did that, but I guess it was just one of those times where you just "had to be there." I hope it was worth it (it wasn't)! It's been so long since we've seen you, but I've felt your presence every day. We all miss and love you so much Adam.

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