Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Horn........

There are so many stories to post about Adam, but I gotta start with the horns.

At work one day he told me he was going to have some train horns put on his Tahoe and he showed me the website. We laughed for a while but I had no idea. Right after he got them we were returning from lunch and were going down Government Street to get back to the office. Right before we crossed the tracks on Government Street, he blew them. I have never seen so many people get nervous about crossing tracks before. That was probably the hardest I had ever laughed in my life until we went riding around one night videotaping people's reactions to the horns.

Adam was the only person I know who would have put something like that on his car for fun, and I'm glad he did. I always knew that a good time would be had when hanging out with Puckett, whether it was riding around blowing the horns or just sitting around shooting the breeze. Adam really was one of a kind and we're all fortunate that we can call ourselves his friends.

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