Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The First Videos

I remember when my dad brought home our first family video camera when I was about 8 years old. Now the video cameras back in 1984 where not like the ones today, oh no, you had to carry around a backback with the actual VCR in it and attach the camera with a cord to it. crazy stuff. so my dad gets it all set up and Adam and I are just teaming with excitement cause we are going to get to see ourselves on TV. there was nothing cooler in 1984 as a kid, than seeing yourself on TV. so my dad starts filming and i am acting a fool trying to think of something to do on camera and enjoying being the center of attention. well adam decides that isnt going to fly cause he was always the center of attention wherever he went. he proceeds to jump in front of me and try and steal the show which i didnt like too much. things got a little dicey so my dad decides to make us go outside and settle our differences like real men, with lightsabers! Adam and I, like most kids in the 80's, were Star Wars fans. i had a plastic replica lightsaber that was probably one of my all time favorite toys and adam had a plastic white sword (aka. lightsaber knock off) that he called a lightsaber. so we both go outside with our lightsabers...now keep in mind, i was almost 8 years old and adam was probably just under 4 years old so i had a considerable advantage (i.e. 4 extra years of learning the force). my dad is video taping this spectacular event as adam and i battle it out in the front yard. i took it easy on my brother but adam didnt believe it taking it easy on anyone. he started swinging wildly with his lightsaber striking me in the leg which was a huge mistake on his part. i proceeded to unleash my full fury and whack him upside the head with my jedi weapon. he started to cry, which to this day i think he was faking it since that seemed to be something he mastered early in life. my dad got mad at me for unleashing my aggression on my younger sibling and nothing i could say would change his mind. adam miraculously recovered from the head strike as soon as i had been scolded and we were back battling each other again. its a classic video in every sense of the word. those were the good ole days....i miss you bro and think about you every day.

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