Saturday, March 8, 2008

Jet ski

The first big "toy" that Adam purchased for himself was a Yamaha jetski. I remember when he came home from taking it out for the first time he had to clean it off. We had just gotten married so we had all these new, nice bath towels. I walked outside and Adam was drying the jetski off with our brand new bath towels. It didn't even cross his mind that he shouldn't do that. He just looked at me with this "What did I do wrong?" face. I think he pulled it with the boat once too when all off the old towels were dirty! I forgive you. Love you so much!

1 comment:

Suzette said...

Hi Cindy....I check this as often as I can to see what memories everyone has. I remember the jetski and how he talked his way out of a ticket for going too fast. He got such a kick out of life. I miss him too and can't imagine how empty your heart is. Live after Five starts in a few weeks. How he loved it!!!! It won't be the same without him.