Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Sent in by Suzette D'Amico

Where do you begin with memories of “Puckett”? I have so many to have known him for such a short time. He was the only ray of sunshine that Katrina brought to us at “the Whitney”. We put him in a back office, but of course he didn’t stay there. It wasn’t long before he had wormed his way into our hearts like I’ve heard he did all of his life. And how thankful we were that he did!

All you had to do was mention something that you were thinking about buying and before you knew it, he told you where to go , what to buy and how much to pay for it. Oh, and if there was a coupon you could use.

He knew no age barrier. He made you feel special when you were around him. And of course, he made me laugh!!!! He’d come back from lunch at home with Cindy and sit at my desk and talk about his new ventures. I always wondered why he went home everyday for lunch. And then I met Cindy. He was crazy about her.

Adam was always in to something. He was so proud of his CD’s that he was making for the Episcopal Soccer team and wanted me to see them. His mind was racing when he told me what he was going to do for the next season, smiling the whole time he was talking. He was so full of life.

One time he came back from lunch and begged me to go out to the parking lot to see his new toy. He had gotten rid of his jet ski and bought a beautiful red “crotch-rocket”. Of course I didn’t know what that term meant and he got a kick out of that. Another time, he had something else to show me. This time it was a new little puppy in the back of the Tahoe. How he loved his dogs. And only Puckett would teach him how to fetch a beer.

We went to Happy’s a few times and I found out how “thrifty” he was. He wasn’t fond of paying $6 for a beer. So he found out that he could get a PBR for $2. I didn’t know that they even made that any more!

We had a Christmas lunch and he got Cindy to make her delicious cake squares. I was out of the office that day. He was quick to let me know that they had forgotten to tell him when lunch was served, but ate Cindy’s dessert anyway. He was crushed. From then on, I had to make sure that he wasn’t left out of anything. He hated to miss anything.

He’d call when he was at home with his banged up knee and was bored. He’d talk to anyone who he could get on the phone. He’d go down the list. What storied he had to tell!! I don’t know if he saw all of the movies on his list. I hope so.

One day we decided that we were going to go to lunch even if there were flash flood warnings. We let him drive…..OMG!!! We were floating down Government Street. He was having a ball. I can still hear him laughing at us for panicking when water was up to the door. Always living on the edge.

It’s amazing that water brought him into my life and water took him from me. I’m sure that there’s some symbolism in that. Maybe it was because of his love of the water. I don’t know, but I will always remember him and his smile and how his eyes seemed to laugh when he did.

Adam, I miss you.


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