Sunday, October 14, 2007

Kneeboarding down Bank Street in Lake Charles

When I was in about 7th or 8th grade and he was a junior or senior, Adam had this crazy idea that he wanted to kneeboard down Bank Street near St. Louis when it is flooded. If any of you are familiar with this area, you know that it floods very easily. So I think this was during a tropical depression or something and we grab the kneeboard and rope, and head to the area. He wants me to drive his truck, and I had hardly any experience driving anything before that time, so I was pretty nervous.

Bank Street was perfect, because the sides of the street flooded probably at least a foot deep, but the middle wasn't so bad, so I could drive at a decent speed. So we hook the rope up to the back of the truck, and I start pulling him. I was so freaking nervous. He was doing 360s on the street and stuff. I guess he never anticipated falling because that could have been pretty nasty. Somebody was putting out their garbage at the time and saw us and was like "What the hell??!!" So we made a few passes in the deep area, and all of a sudden I see a police car about 3 blocks ahead of us, coming toward us. So I'm thinking to myself, "Great, I'll never be able to get a license when I turn 16." So I stop the car immediately and Adam runs up onto the grass with his board. All of a sudden, when the cop is about 1 block away, he turns and goes down a side street. I'm just like "!!!!!!" and Adam throws the board back in the truck and I get in the passenger seat and let him drive. So about one minute later, I see the same cop car coming toward us and it makes a u-turn and flips on his lights. So now I'm upset, but at least I'm not driving, haha. So he pulls us over and talks to Adam. Apparently the person putting out their trash that saw us called the police. Adam tells him that we were just having a little fun. So the officer asks Adam for his license, and oh crap, he doesn't have it. He forgot it at home, so the cop gives him a ticket for driving without a license, haha. The cop had to follow us to Jared Garber's house so he could get a ride to our house to get his license. And yeah, he never told my parents.

What's funny is that this scratched up the bottom of our best kneeboard quite a bit. My dad noticed this later and asked about it, and I think he made up some story about it flying out of the boat while pulling it (which might have actually happened also). We always had a good laugh about it.

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