Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Birthday Sweet Adam

We had a birthday cake for everyone at Whitney. Adam always showed up for the party....imagine him missing one!! We had a system that after YOUR birthday you bought the next cake. Well, we all know how thirfty he was. Yes, I've heard the "return" stories!! After sampling many cakes, we asked if he wanted to participate in the tradition. When he found out what the rules were, he was quick to let us know that we didn't have to buy one for him.

I watched Animal Planet yesterday and there was a video of a dog getting a beer out of the frig. I just knew that it was Adam! But the dog was a Lab. He was really proud of his training abilities.

If I had to count the underlines on his birthday card, I'm sure it would take me all day! Adam, I know that you are looking down with that little smirk on your face, so know that we are all smiling back. Miss you lots!

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