Friday, September 23, 2011

4 Years Gone


I can't believe it's been over 4 years since I last saw you. I still think about you all the time and all the great times we had. Today, I drank a giant High Life, and it tastes worse and worse each year. I guess my taste buds for beer have changed since I was in college. But I don't care, I still enjoy it because it reminds me of you, and that is what's most important.

I love you and miss you so much,

4 years

man, its hard to believe its been 4 years today since you left us. not a day goes by that i dont think about you and wish that i could just call you on my way home from work and tell you about my day. im taking a half day today to take kelli and the kids to Oktoberfest in downtown Mckinney and i know it would have been something you would enjoy. although they will have some fine German Lagers for me to enjoy, i will still seek out a Miller High Life in your honor. i miss you bro...

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Happy 30th - We Miss You

I tried posting this on May 12 but the blogger was having issues and wouldn't let me. Anyway...

This is the 4th consecutive birthday that I haven’t been able to celebrate with you. It’s incredibly saddening to think about it. I’m sorry I’m not able to call you and wish you a happy birthday, but I know you can hear me regardless.

Today, I made a conscious effort to reflect on the memories that I have of you. As time goes by, it feels like these memories are fleeting. I feel bad because I want to remember all of the good times we had, so I write them down when I think about them. The more time that passes though, the harder it is for me to remember something new that I haven't already written. Running out of memories of you is a very big pill to swallow, which is part of the reason why I created this blog. So today, I urge everyone to write down / document what you can while it is fresh in your mind, because it could be lost forever.

Mardi Gras 2004: My First Mardi Gras in New Orleans

Me and a friend went down to New Orleans for Mardi Gras in 2004. Since Adam lived there, he invited us to stay at his place. We actually ended up staying at Cindy's nearby. We arrived on Saturday night and Adam handed me a backpack lined with a trashbag, full of ice and beer. "What a great idea!" I thought. He had packed himself one too, so we headed down to Canal St with backpacks full of beer. It was definitely an interesting experience. We met up with my cousin Chad and his wife Stephanie, since they were in town. We had a great time and stayed out pretty late, partying around the French Quarter. I think I stayed for one more day and had enough of Mardi Gras by the end of that day, haha. Regardless, I had a great time and will remember that trip forever. Much thanks to Cindy for letting us sleep at her apartment and making us pancakes!

I've never been back to New Orleans for Mardi Gras since then. I'm sure I will some day, and maybe I'll pack another backpack full of beer, in memory of Adam.

Happy Birthday bro. We all miss you very much.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Happy 30th

Happy 30th Adam! I know you have some special people and pets celebrating with you. Charlie and I wish you much love and wish we could celebrate with you. Thinking of you always. Thanks for being such a great guardian angel. Love, Cindy