Tuesday, October 5, 2010

3 years

Charlie and I can't believe it has been 3 yrs! Everytime I look at Charlie, I always picture in my mind you and her playing frisbee or working on the boat outside. Charlie is having a good time in NC. We have taken her to the beach and hiking a few times. I know you would enjoy many of the things up here especially the Duke sports. I am so blessed to have such a special guardian angel. I know you are opening up so many doors for me and looking over us daily. I have had such an amazing time up here at Duke but wish you could experience this all with me. Love you always!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

3 Years Today

On this day three years ago, we all lost a very special person. It's hard to believe it has been that long since we last saw Adam. In truth, I feel like I see him quite often through things that remind me of him.

Don't be completely sad today. Remember all the good times we spent together - there were many.

Drink a Miller High Life (Light if you can find it)

We miss you bro.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Pop Tarts

I just saw somebody heating up a pop tart in a toaster oven today at work and it reminded me of Adam’s daily diet. He would eat an iced strawberry pop tart every morning from when he was a child to when he finished college, and maybe even after that. He’d always pull the edges off of each (or the “crust”) because there was no filling there. I could never get into pop tarts and I didn’t really understand why he liked them so much. I just always remember seeing a sink full of pop tart crusts every morning, where Adam would dump them.

It’s these little memories that I want to hold on to that really make me smile.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Happy Belated Birthday Adam

We all miss you so much as we celebrate the day God brought you into the world.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Tennis - Or any other sport

I started playing a lot of tennis after my senior year in high school. I thought I had become a decent player and could hold my ground against average players.

Adam on the other hand, hadn't really played tennis for several years. We were on vacation in Florida and our condo that we were staying at had a tennis court near by. Adam and I played, and big surprise, he still beat me. This seemed to be a recurring theme throughout my life, hah.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Jolly Ranchers

I was just digging through a bowl of candy and came across some jolly ranchers. Adam used to love them. I still smile every time I have a memory of him. And that's quite often. Miss him a lot.